When not enough lycra is way too much!
Is it the new year's resolutions to get fit, or the GFC (Global Economic Crisis, not the Geelong Football Club) that has increased the number of bicyclists in the last few months?
Sadly, a number of people who work in my building have decided that cycling to work is a good thing. For them maybe, but not for there colleagues.
The sight of lycra stretched just that bit too much over a rear end is not a pleasant sight. Nor is the whiff of a body that has just given but a cursory nod to the office shower facility before donning 'suitable for work' gear. Let alone the co-worker who thinks that their cycling gear is a fashion statement - so no shower or clothers change occurs.
What does one do? While appauding their efforts in both fittness and carbon emission savings, I fear both eyesight and nostrals of colleagues are suffering a global crisis all of their own!